Prior to forming C. C. I. Performance Group, I spent almost 25 years in the Medical Device Industry. Twenty-five of those years were as a sales leader, at all levels of the organization. Periodically, we would be offered the talents of a coach to develop our skill sets for leading our teams. I always found this to be a great help, with one rub, many of these "coaches" had never lead a sales team at any level. While their ideas were often sound, they lacked the "been there, done that" ingredient which always made it more real for me. So, you can have 25 years of "been there, done that" with executive coaching with C. C. I. Performance Group. What exactly is this ingredient? In my mind, it is the sum of the victories and the mistakes I made during my career in the corporate world. Take advantage of 25 years. I believe I can help.